You ever seen a grown man try to kill himself on a skateboard? It's not over when the Fat Lady sings; he will grab that bitch by the throat and try to choke her out.....Tim Garner is one of those guys - he came thru town today and asked to be taken to the "Hilltop Humbler", a pool that is notorious for unsolicited blood donations and making molehills out of mountains. The Fat Lady did in fact sing, but not before Tim tried to cram a roll in down her all the Brewce Martins', Ross Rogers' (R.I.P.) and Tim G's' of the world who gave/are giving their blood, sweat, and soul to skateboarding (you know who you are); thank you for showing us how it's done - know the Fat Lady, do not fear the Fat Lady; kick the Fat Lady's ass....
"We are here to laugh at
the odds and live life so
well that death trembles to
take us"
- Charles Bukowski