Well another X Games has come and gone - rumor has it maybe they're gone 4 good....I hope so - maybe the ESPN kooks - er, I mean execs, who are "over" skating can convince all of mainstream America that they are "over" it too? One word:GOODBYE....
I will be happy to return every year to Skatopia, the last bastion of what skating is really all about.....F-R-E-E-D-O-M. No coaches, uniforms, rules, stats,"teamwork", and all that other cliche American sports crap - just good old fashioned ANARCHY.....
I was somewhat dismayed to see Skatopia revealed to the rest of the world, even in a mag as cool as Rolling Stone (that is a joke by the way), but that's as close as most tools who read RS will ever get to going there - just keep dreaming about it while you're commuting to your 9-to-5 graveyard in your tin coffin.....oh BTW check the ADDIKT sticker on the coping in the opening shot - nice "lipslide" (that's Rolling Stone-speak for a crail grind)....